CHOICES! terlalu byk choice yg mst kite buat dlm life ni kan. kadang kadang terlampau sukar untuk buat de rite decision smpaikan kite hanye jumpe jalan buntu. tapi insyaAllah kalau kite mintak pade yang atas, dapat lah petunjuk kan. as fer me, everytime i must comeout wif a decision and had to choose from choices that i have. absolutely aku akan tension tension and tension berfikir. nak buat pilihan bkn senang, takut if aku tersalah pilih je. aku akan kosongkan pikiran aku fer some minutes and pikir mane yang baek mane yang okay mane yang bagus, then ofcoz mintak petunjuk pade Nya.
i recently finished my lower six and i think dis is de end as i choose to quit form6. berhenti bukan bererti aku mengalah. just that i want to move on wif something more exciting. bukan bermakna form6 x seronok bagi aku, tapi rasenye aku x cukup kuat lg nak teruskan 2 more semester fer next year. keputusan dah dibuat n bukan aku senang senang je buat keputusan mcm ni. orang boleh cakap ape saje tapi yelah diorang hanye sekadar boleh bercakap cakap coz they r not in my shoes. so x ade orang yg akan betul betul paham kenape aku buat mcm ni. its okay. coz i dont realy care what people think about me. i know myself!
apepun aku x pernah rase menyesal sbb aku mmg beriye iye sgt nak masuk form6 dulu. ramai org cakap form6 susah, jangan pilih form6, nt nyesal, n so whatever. tp orang orang yg bercakap ni, diorg tu betul betul tau ke mcm mne susah nye form6 ni?? kalau kite x cube, kite x kan dapat alami sendiri kan susah atau senang dunie form6 ni. semuanye aku jadikan sebagai pengalaman. precious experiences ever coz x semue org dapat lalui benda yg same.
orang orang selalu cakap 'belajar biar sampai ke negera china'. hee. even hormon and virus virus malas sangat banyak dalam diri aku skrng ni, i'll makesure that i'll neva give up easily. as i've made my mind that form6 is not where i belong. then in 3weeks time from now, i'll pickin up and continue my journey to study and study. as i said quit form6 doesn't mean that i'll quit study. so, wait fer me uitm segamat. even rase berat hati nak tinggalkan my home sweet home, but this is what i should do fer my better future. i hope everything will move smoothly, hope will get new friends and great life there. ermm. yes. i can do it! haha, x pasal pasal kan. mommy daddy, ini first time kan one of your children dapat masuk u. yaa, aku x laa pandai mane pon. but i'll keep trying and usaha. i believe if we're not givin up to try, there must be some hope. as long as i remember HIM and stay away from everything that could ruin my life and myself. insyaAllah. mudah mudahan hidup aku dipermudahkan and diberkati yang Maha Esa. hee. amin